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Why Do I Do What I Do?

The question why I do what I do is frequently asked of me. Honestly, there have been many times I have asked myself that same question. It usually hits me during a frustrating moment when I am struggling with a piece of furniture or working on a project.

My Web Designer

Yesterday, my web designer gave me an assignment. “I need you to write your first Blog post and I need it by Friday.” My response, Holy Carp that’s three days away, seriously! My ideas were reeling in my head as I was struggling to come up with an idea to Blog about. I mean let’s be honest, there are a lot of Bloggers out there and what do I have to contribute that hasn’t already been covered.


Looking out my office window, I can see the sun shining bright against a blue lightly clouded sky. The air is brisk and cool and dried leaves are rolling down the street. I told myself a walk would help me organize thoughts on a writing my first Blog post.

Walk The Walk

On auto pilot with my feet in motion and my brain immersed in thought, I find myself turning onto an all too familiar corner. The corner I have to take is going to put me right smack at the front door of my favorite non-profit store. I remind myself to keep walking and stay focused. The holiday décor in the window catches my eye as I start to walk by and I begin to slow my pace. Window after window I am in a tug-a-war with my thoughts to stop or not stop. It’s difficult because I love a treasure hunt.

The Surprise

No sooner than I pass the next decorated window, I find my hand on the handle opening the front door. I begin to move at a quick pace bobbing my head back and forth similar to one of the bobbing characters you see in the back of a car window. As I start to head to the exit door, I hear a voice from across the room saying “there she is!” I turn, smile and say hello. In an excited voice a store employee says “have you seen that piece behind you we just got in? I was thinking of you the moment I picked it up.” I was so close to that exit door I could almost open the door, but I responded with a smile saying “yes, I see it.” His response, “well you know it’s 50% off this Friday.” I respond in a quieter voice, “Oh.”

As I turn and once over the ragged, abused buffet that’s grinning at me like a child who has lost their two front teeth, in all its glory, missing veneer, hardware, water spots, and dings in the wood that look more like small gouges, I respond, “this piece is going to take a lot of restoration work and veneer is my least favorite thing to restore.” He approaches the toothless wonder (I gave it a nickname) and says, “you are right, and look there is missing veneer here and there too and it definitely needs some TLC, but I know you can do it! Trying to catch the words before they rolled off my lips, he obviously had more confidence in me than I do. He turns to me and speaks the four words I didn’t need to hear, “I will deliver it to you.” Dang it! In a quite voice, I said what I knew before I walked in the store. I am a baller on a budget and let me be honest, I have no budget left this month.

The Exit Door

As I walk towards the exit door, I take one last glance at old toothless and run my fingers over its walnut surface (solid wood I tell myself), that craftsmanship (you don’t see this kind of work anymore), good bones (structurally sound), the stories (history) this piece could tell if it only had a voice. At that moment Old Toothless helped me gain the clarity I was needing. This is Your Why! This is Why You Do What You Do! I Love History. I Love the Treasure Hunt for the unique and timeless things. I love the Craftsmanship and all things that go with that! To me finding timeless, classic, worn, even abused, piece of history left behind without a voice is my passion!

My heart skipped a beat with excitement as my thoughts on my first Blog post started coming together. This piece, “Old Toothless” is what brought me to this store. Like it was calling me before I even got to the store. Old Toothless’ gift to me was clarity. My gift to Old Toothless is my passion and love for its potential and a new future.


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